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November 2015

Social media has taken the world by storm, of course, you already know that. It is been nearly 10 years tens since we were first introduced to Facebook. And then along came other social media applications like Twitter, Youtube, Pinterest, Vines and Tumblr.

Social media has revolutionised the way we keep in touch with people and it is now part of our everyday lives. We use social media to share our thoughts on various matters, post our favourite photos from recent events and holidays and even share anything that we find interesting on the world wide web - usually hilarious cat videos. Basically it is a medium for people to express themselves

It's only been more recently that people have been looking to LinkedIn for Lead Generation. Primarily, LinkedIn was first used to help users to search for new job opportunities or to help recruiters to head-hunt the brightest young talent. Many people use their LinkedIn accounts to give themselves an online professional image.

Now, besides being used as a comprehensive tool for recruitment and employment opportunities, LinkedIn is now being seen as ideal medium to promote B2B businesses, and to get those all important leads. According Forbes, LinkedIn drives 80% of B2B social media leads.

Lead generation is a hot topic in our office at the moment, the number one question we get asked is “how can I generate more leads through my website?”. There are a couple of stages to go through in the process so we will look at each in turn here. 

Attracting the right audience

First off, you want to get the right traffic to your website, it’s not always about the number of visits, more importantly it’s the quality of those visits. It’s about getting the right people to find you. For example, if you have a high end product to sell then there is no point receiving lots of enquiries from people that don’t have the money to spend. It’s a waste of your time and theirs.

So you get into the office and switch on your computer, what is the next thing you do? Check your email maybe, have a little nose on Facebook or Twitter. So many of us find our day being dictated by what we find in our inbox, constant interruptions from others and lack of planning. So much so that it’s easy to get to the end of the day and realise that whilst you have been ‘busy’ you haven’t achieved anything you wanted to.