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What it’s Like to be a Digital Marketing Apprentice

After hearing so much about other business owners having a really positive experience in hiring and Apprentice we decided to bite the bullet and do the same. For us it was really the chance to give a young person the opportunity to learn whilst working that most appealed. So in November 2014 we took George on, here is his guide to what it is like being an Apprentice with us!

“Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a Digital Marketing Apprentice? Well in this blog I will be telling you a bit about what I have done so far in my role at TU Internet Marketing.

Once I arrive in the morning I log into my computer and check my emails to see if there are any new jobs for me to do for that day. After going through my emails, I would set myself a checklist of jobs to do during the day, from editing blogs to posting on social networks for clients. A day can really vary on what I could be doing. Some days I will be working on existing content on a clients website, editing or changing what they have already written. I could be focussed on sharing content across different social networks, looking at analytics and running reports, working on meta data or sourcing images. It really does change on a day to day basis. After all of that days jobs are completed I look at setting targets for the next day so that I am prepared in the morning.

The second part of my week is to go to college. Working as an apprentice you need to make sure you learn lots of different aspects of digital marketing as well as administration and business skills. This could include learning new techniques, for example; working on creating spreadsheets, using databases, building websites from scratch and learning new coding languages like C++ and CSS colour codes. College also allows me to expand my knowledge on new things that can help me in the future.

The reason why working in a Digital Marketing Company is right for me is that the job is forever changing, and something that I may be doing one week can be completely different the next. But that is just like the job its self. The industry is forever changing and adapting. This job always allows you to be innovative and try to come up with new ideas on how to improve things, the work never really finishes. This job is always exciting and will always keep any person with this job role on their toes.

So overall, my role can vary from week to week, but that makes it all that more enjoyable. It has its challenges, but without challenges I would not be able to expand my knowledge and skill base.”

By: George Irving

Find out more about being an Apprentice by Clicking Here