The Future of Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity - a critically important aspect for any business using the internet or operating online.
Computer security, cybersecurity or IT security are various names given to the protection of hardware, software and any information stored on them from threat or damage.
Cybersecurity is no longer just about protecting hardware and software, it’s now the protection of ourselves, our business reputation and customers in the digital environment. We all have a responsibility to protect services from being maliciously disrupted or misused, through vigilance, security measures and reporting events when they arise.
Cyber Security Precautions
UK businesses need to do more now to protect themselves for the future. Financial losses can be insured and maybe recovered but what about reputational damage? This is far more serious for businesses
It is predicted further high-profile attacks will take place with social media being used to inflict economic and reputational damage to companies.
Here at TU Marketing we thought we’d share some assistance and guidance in helping you put in place precautions which could benefit your organisation or business in having the right strategies in place..
SEO Strategy and why you should have one
With Google updating its algorithm hundreds of times each year how can you ensure that your SEO strategy will still be relevant a day, month, or year from now? The key is to define your strategy based on the purpose of
Content, Content, Content – It’s all about Content
You should be aware of this by now but if you are not, regular fresh content that is regularly shared is the key to success and what businesses need to help build their brand awareness on social media sites.
It is simple and sounds easy but when you run a business and you are busy it is difficult to prioritise your time, or to think of interesting things to tweet about or post. It can be challenging and some find it stressful but really it is simple and every single post does not need to be a well thought out, tactical pieces of information. Not saying that this is a bad thing but for most people this is pretty hard to achieve unless this is one of your strengths!
Marketing and Sales Work Better Together
Getting your marketing right can help sales conversions increase, work together to get the best results!
Your marketing is generally seen as the bit that fills the sales funnel, if there are lots of enquiries coming in then you could say that this element is doing it's job well. But what if most of the enquiries aren't genuine leads? It's a bit like being in a networking group and being handed a referral for someone that isn't a genuine fit for your business, what's the point? Sales can end up spending valuable time following up with people that really aren't ever going to become customers.
Why replacing cold calls with social media won’t work
How do you like the cheesy picture? I know I know, the idea is to try and show that behind the keyboard, when you are talking to people on social platforms, you need to remember that they are real people. Anyhow, on with the blog.....
The problem with cold calling is that it can come across as pushy and spammy.
How many times has your day been interrupted by someone wanting to sell you something, whether or not you want it?
I guess this method must work sometimes, otherwise people wouldn't do it right! Now, don't get me wrong, there are some very good telemarketers out there that do their research and only approach companies when they are sure that the product/service would be of great benefit to them. But, in my experience, this unfortunately is the exception rather than the norm.
So, if cold calling isn't working for someone, why oh why do they simply do the same thing via social networks instead?
Meta Data – Are you using the correct wording?
Metadata is also known as metalanguage or Meta Tags. In simple terms Metadata is a tool for describing, it facilities the discovery of relevant information. One of my favourite quotes “Metadata describes data on data”
Any content, image or other type of data on a website is supported by metadata. The metadata helps a search engine to understand what each page/content/image or data portrays.
Referring to a previous blog on Search Engine Ranking, search engines send “spiders” to crawl through the internet checking website content. Metadata helps the search engine to assess the relevance of a page and will assist the search engine in deciding whether a website will be shown within the results. As the digital era evolves as does the functionality of metadata. Metadata oddly can improve a user’s experience on a website.
Improve your e-commerce conversion rates
Getting traffic to your e-commerce website is one thing, getting visitors to convert into customers is something else. If you are receiving a healthy level of traffic to your e-commerce website, but sales are still low it could be because of one of these reasons:
- Lack of call to actions
Sometimes people just need that extra nudge to get them to commit to purchase. Having ‘buy now’ or CTA’s next to your products will help them make that decision. Even on sliders or within content pages and blog posts, if you are referencing a particular product, include a call to action so that it is easy for your visitors to convert.
How to Convert Website Visitors into Leads
Focus on the right metrics
Focussing on the number of visits to your website is a useful metric to track, but on it's own it won't necessarily tell you how well your website is performing. To give you an example, one of our clients supplies kitchen splashbacks to kitchen companies, architects and property development companies across the UK.
What is Local SEO Marketing?
Marketing your business online gives you the opportunity to reach anyone with an internet connection, but for many businesses they are looking to reach only those within a geographical area. These types of ‘local’ business include things like:
- Hairdressers and beauty salons
- Bars
- Restaurants
- Trades
- Cinemas
- Leisure facilities
- Car service centre
And many more…
In fact, any business where people aren’t willing to travel outside of the local area or people visiting a specific area and are looking for local facilities are included. So if you have a local salon in Hertfordshire, then it's important to make it clear on your website that you service that particular area of the country.