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PPC - Pay Per Click

How to run a Successful PPC Campaign

A PPC campaign is also known as a pay-per-click campaign, it is similar to an SEO campaign because they both involve search terms. The main difference between the two is that a PPC campaign can instantly guarantee your webpage to reach the top of the search engine results; but at a price.

With SEO campaigns, it takes a certain amount time for your content to reach the top of search engine rankings due to a numbers factors involved. SEO is not just about keywords anymore, it is about the quality of content which relate to the search terms. Therefore the higher standard of the content, the greater chances of reaching the top of the search engine results. The SEO method of getting to the top can be rather time-consuming but a PPC campaign is a quicker solution.

So how do you run a successful PPC campaign? Well that’s what this blog post aims to answer.

List Keywords Which Your Customer Would Use

Unlike SEO, a PPC campaign can guarantee your website to be listed on the top of the search engine ranking results. In order to have a successful PPC campaign, you need to figure out what search terms your customers would use to find your business on a search engine. So at this stage of the process, try and come up with 5 or 6 possible search terms.

I would recommend these search terms to include both short tail and long tail words. For those who don’t know what either a ‘short tail’ or ‘long tail’ search term mean, please see below:

Short Tail

Short tail keywords are very board terms. To give an example, let’s say you are a travel agent based in Ruislip, your customer would use a general search term:

‘Travel Agent Ruislip’

Long Tail

Long tail keywords are a bit more specific and tend to be associated with a customer who is looking for something in particular. In other words they know what they want.

To give an example, you deliver a holiday cruise package in the Caribbean that would be suitable for honeymooners. Your customer would use a search term:

Honeymoon Caribbean Cruise Holiday Packages

Using Google Keyword Adwords Planner

Once you have brainstormed and are happy with your search terms, you then need to use Google Adwords Keyword Planner to investigate if those keywords are regularly used by your customers.

When you have entered your keywords into Google AdWords Keyword Planner, it will tell you whether the search terms you have chosen are popular or not. Popularity of the search terms will give you a good indication of the price of the search terms. Obviously the higher the popularity, the more expensive the search term is.

Also, long tail search terms tend to be cheaper than short tail search terms. That’s because short tail search terms are more popular than long tail search terms.

Deciding on which page to link the Keywords

The final step of a successful PPC campaign is to decide on which webpage you would like to link your search terms. Bare in mind, that each time a perspective customer ‘clicks’ on your link via a PPC on a search engine, it will cost you. So you need to make sure the content on your chosen webpage really sells. That way, your PPC campaign will reach a higher conversation rate and hence be more successful.

A landing page is usually a good site to link to your search terms because a landing page tends to be easier to read and easier to navigate than an ordinary website. Make use of your website too – the design and wording of your content are really crucial.