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Get more leads from your website visitors

How to turn a visitor to your website into a lead

In this blog post we are going to look at what you can do on your website to help ensure that visitors turn into leads. In the vast majority of cases users will land on your homepage so make sure you follow our top tips below.

Lead generation is about getting the right fit

When someone comes to your website you have between 3-5 seconds to gain their attention, during this time they will make a decision about whether they have come to the right place or not. By that, I mean that it appears to them quickly that your business may fit their needs. So the first thing you need to think about is how to make it obvious what it is that you are offering.

There are a few ways that you can do this, the first is to include an image that depicts your key offering. For example if you are an online retailer selling stationery, have a nice image of some of your products. For some businesses this can be more difficult, Consultancy type businesses may struggle more with this, so use an image that illustrates a benefit to your customer, for an example a business consultant may show an image depicting a rise in a company profits.

Another way of turning visitors into leads is by having a strong title, it still amazes me the number of companies that have “welcome to our website” as the homepage title. Think of something that is short and to the point and then make it stand out by using large text and positioning it towards the top of your page.

Make it easy for users to turn into leads

You may have heard the phrase Call to Action before, you may have a few on your homepage and they are basically prompts to help visitors to your website to take some kind of action. This may be directing them to another page on the website, asking them to contact you, fill out a form or watch a video. Think about the things that would help a visitor convert into a lead. What kind of information might they be seeking and make it easy for them to find it.

Call to Actions are an integral part of a web page but don’t have too many, you don’t want to confuse people.

How can you generate leads if people can’t contact you?

This may sound obvious, but again you would be amazed at the number of websites that don’t have contact information clearly displayed. If you want visitors to get in touch then you need to make it easy for them to do so, otherwise how do you convert that visitor into a lead?

Make sure your phone number and email address is prominently displayed on each page, if you want people to visit your site then include your address or if you have multiple locations then direct people to a contact page. Every website should have a contact us page that is included in the main menu.

It also gives people a sense of security that you are a genuine business, remember, they people may have never heard of you before and want to feel happy that you are going to give them a good service.